This is one of the most common cancers in young men.
Testicular cancer is very responsive to treatment . Cure is nearly 100% if caught early but survival does drop to about 73% after it has spread to other body organs.
Who is affected?
Testicular cancer is mainly a disease of young males age 15-35 but anyone can be affected.
Cases have been rising over the last decade by roughly 1% every year.
In the USA about 1 in every 250 men develop testicular cancer in their lifetime.
The WHO(world Health Organisation) reported 65 registered new cases in Uganda over 2020.
The most common early symptoms are :
A lump or swelling of one testicle
A heaviness in the testicle or a dragging sensation.
Discomfort in a testicle
Change in shape of the testicle.
Late symptoms are usually related to spread:
Neck gland swelling
Weight loss
Chest pain
Abdominal pain
Breast enlargement
Back pain
Tests :
Ultrasound of the testicle
Surgery and biopsy to determine the diagnosis.
Blood tests decided by your specialist-include cancer markers
CT scan to check for any spread once the cancer has been diagnosed.
Treatment of Testicular cancer;
This may involve one or a combination of the following depending on the stage of the cancer.:
Surgical removal of the affected testicle
Chemotherapy-special drugs to kill or destroy the cancer cells.
Radiotherapy-special rays emitted by a radiotherapy machine to destroy the cancer cells.
Action Points :
Examine your testicles regularly-at least once every month. You stand a higher chance of cure the earlier the cancer is detected.
Report any changes to your doctor
It is only by knowing your normal that you can identify changes .
Do not be shy-embarrassment could be fatal !
References :
American Cancer Society Publications-Cancer facts and figures 2021
WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer-Uganda fact sheet